"The lord gave each and everyone, the spunk to do that can't be done..........
One brick at a time, one single solitary brick, One brick at a time, one single solitary brick, One brick at a time, one single solitary brick.......oohhhhh! One Brick at a time!"
And guess who Lila is? Joyce, the 160 Year old granny! I love cracking up watching her dance and sing:
"When I see the shape the world is in, when the way it is ain't what it's been, When folks just care for gold, thank God I'm old!.......When no sweet songs are sung, I don't wanna be YOUNG!"
Does anyone but me find this hilarious??? Lila, in a granny dress, with powder in her hair, and a cap, sing THANK GOD I'M OLD? Lila does not appreciate this.... :)
And new doll hints: she has blue eyes! Now I definatly know who she is! But I'm NOT telling. Jessica has forbid me to tell Lila, and Lila reads this darn old blog...... Oh well. Better not tell and then you'll just be even MORE suprised!
Oh, and how do you like the TWWENTTTTY new doll? Lila has got a new even bigger wishlist:
- Music Outfit (great shades of purple!)
- Riding Outfit. So her!
- To go to AGPNY and make a couple of shirts
- Especially anything that is Purple^
- The New Outfit with the purple jacket
- a Bitty baby
- Ida Bean
- Sari
- Felicity's Fashion Doll
- A Kelly Doll
- Ceramic dolls
- cabbage patch dolls
- Every type of Doll. Gee, that girl likes dolls!