Today, Jessica was all excited. She was in the mood to make things. So that is how I Have a new tank top with "Carmel MONTEREY, CALI" On it. It is all hand-made, and a little scraggley looking, but who cares. I also have a set of jewelery. A silver necklace with skates for a charm, and a silver bracelet. THe pictures don't do it justice:
Sorry, but I used Photobooth, so they are not so good!
Lila was mad cause she only got one necklace, whereas I got a tank and bracelet as well.
So I had to remind her that she got a horse charm: her favorite animal. I got skates, and I don't even skate! I just fall on my butt. After that, she looked a little more satisfied, and that turned into a broad grin when Jessica said that she was in the process of making a PURPLE tank top. (Lila is also going to get a bracelet soon, just not at this exact moment!)
Another thing: What should Lila's Shirt say? Jessica and I were thinking Seattle, because I went there this Summer with her. Lila says she doesn't mind, but I think she would prefer somewhere she HAS went, because she didn't join us this trip, but went with Jessica LAST year, when I wasn't around. (Jessica got me off eBay)
See you next time, oh, and tell everyone you know about this site! it's cool... :P